茜色の金彩の小桜と白の満開の桜があでやかな中に落ち着きがあり、深いグリーンの金彩の柔らかな羽根の模様もアクセントがきいており、全体的に しっとりとした雰囲気の帯に仕上がっております。
裏地の地位坂クリスタルが光の加減で キラキラ輝き、結び方によって、きらりと見える裏地の赤も効いてきます。
(表地)金彩の小桜、白の桜が咲き誇る :綿(コットン)
タレ 幅 9cm× 長さ 79cm
手 幅 9cm× 長さ 23cm
送料 日本国内一律 520円
It is an accessory of the obi.
Akane-colored golden small cherry blossoms and white full-bloomed cherry blossoms are brilliant and calm, and the soft feather pattern of deep green gold is accented, and the overall obi has a moist atmosphere. ..
The position of the lining Saka Crystal shines with the amount of light, and depending on how it is tied, the red color of the lining that can be seen clearly is also effective.
With the printed obi, you can feel free to use it for everyday use or for going out for shopping.
(Outer material) Small golden cherry blossoms and white cherry blossoms are in full bloom: cotton
(Lining) Red crystal: Polyester
original size
Tare width 9 cm x length 79 cm
Te width 9 cm x length 23 cm
Shipping fee: 520 yen in Japan
I started from overseas shipping USA now.
Please contact us by message except USA.
帯の結び方についてHow to tie an obi
媛由姫HIMEYŪKI Instagramはこちら
There are many ways to tie it.
Please refer to the Instagram of "HIMEYŪKI" below.
Click here for Instagram of HIMEYŪKI
(Please feel free to tie it, not just how to tie it.)

This is a one-of-a-kind item, so please take this opportunity to purchase it.
In addition, when it gets dirty, it cannot be washed at home due to the fabric.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but please send it for cleaning.
Please note that we cannot accept returns or exchanges.