About Hime Yuhimeabout
While the chances of wearing a kimono are decreasing,
I created HIMEYŪKI®, hoping to help convey that technique while valuing the basics of obi knots,
which can be said to be a traditional Japanese technique.
媛由姫®の帯飾りができるまでUntil the obi decoration of HIMEYŪKI® is made
In Japan, a furisode, a long-sleeved kimono, is worn during celebrations, such as the coming-of-age ceremony and a friend's wedding. Among the various kimono, the furisode is especially exquisite, and the obi, or kimono sash, can be fastened in various ways. The beautiful arrangement naturally attracts the attention of its beholders.
Even with the same obi, the impression changes completely when a different method is used to tie it. A Japanese obi can be arranged in various ways depending on how it is tied.
Now that there are fewer opportunities to wear kimono, we hope to preserve Japan's traditional techniques for tying and arranging obi. Even when you are not wearing a kimono, you can enjoy an original HIMEYŪKI obi and use them in your daily lives, accessorizing everyday outfits.
We hope that our HIMEYŪKI will bring joy to your daily life!

特許・意匠・商標Patent / Design / Trademark
Equipped with a "Te" and "Tare" exactly like a real obi, Equipped with a string designed to tie it, Equipped with a devised holding rubber, Made with real kimono and obi, They have been approved by the Patent Office.
Patent No. 6799888
Design No. 1666951
Trademark No. 6309770

To put on an obi, you should tie a knot against your back to prevent it from unraveling. After you tie a knot, the shorter length is called te and the longer one is called tare. Tying the te and tare in different ways creates different obi designs. Form various designs with the HIMEYŪKI obi by connecting the te and tare in different ways.
You can arrange and tie HIMEYŪKI obi as you like for any situation. We hope you enjoy wearing it as an accessory for your hair or favorite day bag or handbag.

また、本来ならば、帯でなく着物の生地として 伊予絣や大島紬などがありますが、それらの地域ならではの生地を帯の素材としてあえて使って媛由姫HIMEYŪKIの帯を作ってみました。
また、日本の代表的な 柄や 各地の名勝などを盛り込んだ生地も使ってみましたので、お好きな柄の生地をお選びいただけます。
There are various types of Japanese obi, such as those with gorgeous embroidery and those with beautiful patterns, but the HIMEYŪKI obi are made of thin fabric, making it compact and easy to tie.
Famous fabrics like Iyo Kasuri and Oshima Tsumugi are originally used to make kimono, but I dared to use the fabrics unique to those areas as the material for the HIMEYŪKI obi.
Our fabrics incorporate typical Japanese patterns and places of scenic beauty, so you can choose your favorite pattern.
