かつては、誰でも伊予絣を普段着に着用していた事もありましたが、今では生産が限られている事から 伊予絣は、大変貴重になってきております。
こんな色のアクセサリーが欲しかった という方の為に。
タレ 幅8cm×長さ67cm
手 幅8cm×長さ21cm
リュックに付けた時には丁度、着物を着て振袖の飾り帯を付けた時の位置に 背中に飾り結びの帯が付きます。
また、寒くなって来たら、スカーフやマフラーにも 付けることができます。
使い方にルールはありません。お使いになる方のセンスで いつでも自由に使えます。
送料 日本国内一律 520円
It is an accessory of the obi.
Made from Iyo kasuri fabric.
In the past, everyone used to wear Iyo kasuri in their everyday clothes, but now that production is limited, Iyo kasuri has become extremely valuable.
It is a simple indigo and light blue fabric in it.
The lining of the obi is also matched with similar colors to create a calm atmosphere. It has become a calm obi with a sense of unity unique to indigo and similar colors, reminiscent of the Seto Inland Sea and the gentle shores.
For him who wanted an accessory of this color.
(Outer material) Iyo Kasuri Light blue dots and leaf patterns of plants: Cotton
(Lining) Blue Saya shape: Cotton
Product size
Tare width 8 cm x long 67 cm
Te width 8 cm x long 21 cm
*** I use it every day, attach it to my commuting bag, and come to work with a different feeling of excitement. Busy daily work will be fun too.
Even on your days off, let's attach it to your backpack for a while, such as when you go out to play with your backpack or shopping.
When attached to the backpack, a decorative knot band will be attached to the back at the position when the kimono is worn and the furisode sash is attached.
It will be an exciting and exciting outing that you want someone to see.
Also, when it gets cold, you can attach it to your scarf or muffler.
There are no rules on how to use it. He is free to use at any time with the sense of the user.
★ You can change the knot as many times as you like.
★ You can use it without wearing a kimono.
Shipping fee: 520 yen in Japan
I started from overseas shipping USA now.
Please contact us by message except USA.
帯の結び方についてHow to tie an obi
媛由姫HIMEYŪKI Instagramはこちら
There are many ways to tie it.
Please refer to the Instagram of "HIMEYŪKI" below.
Click here for Instagram of HIMEYŪKI
(Please feel free to tie it, not just how to tie it.)

This is a one-of-a-kind item, so please take this opportunity to purchase it.
In addition, when it gets dirty, it cannot be washed at home due to the fabric.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but please send it for cleaning.
Please note that we cannot accept returns or exchanges.